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  • Preferred option
    Done by Friday Subscription$10.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    Done by Friday + Voxer Support Subscription$49.00/mo

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xDone by Friday$0

All prices in USD

What you're getting:
  • Weekly Commitments: Every Monday, we'll ask you to add the ONE thing you're committing to accomplishing by Friday. This will help you set clear objectives and maintain focus throughout the week.
  • Midweek Boost: On Wednesday, we'll send you a friendly reminder to keep your commitment in sight. Consider it a virtual high-five to keep you motivated and on track toward your goal.
  • Friday Progress Check-in: As the week comes to a close, we'll reach out to get you to log how far you've come. We want to celebrate your progress and hear about the amazing steps you've taken toward achieving your goal.
  • Progress Tracking: All your previous entries will be logged securely in our system. This means you can review your journey, track your accomplishments and see what you've achieved over time. It's a powerful tool for reflection and fuelling future success.

  • An additional layer of accountability and support via Voxer.
  • A real human checking in to make sure you’ve set a goal for the week and are on track to meet it.
  • Receive text / audio messages to prompt, remind and encourage you to do your one thing for the week.
  • We’ll be waiting to hear back from you to find out what you’ve got done.
  • For anyone needing additional accountability - this is for you!
  • You can message throughout each week with updates relating to your task and we'll hold you accountable to reach your goals. Please note that this is not a coaching offer and is not meant to provide you with technical solutions.
  • If you haven’t used Voxer before, please be assured that it’s an easy to use messaging app - we’ll make sure you’re all set up and able to use it.

"Done by Friday really helped me zero in on the tasks that I needed to focus on each week. It helped me finish writing the first draft of a novel, and I hope it will help me write many more!" ~ KC Ciftci, Author, KMÇ

"Done By Friday has completely changed how I go into my work week. It pulls me up to ask what is critical to move my business forward. I was able to complete a project that I had on my to do list for 3 months in just 3 weeks." ~ Sara Cyr, Spark Your Healing

"Done by Friday helped me finally commit to getting done some of the tasks that had been sitting on my to-do list for months." ~ Lisa Sundell, Sundell Solutions

"Done By Friday has become essential for me! Seemingly so simple and quick, yet the one task they ask us to focus on makes such a difference. In fact I am achieving more each week that I’m in it!" ~ Cassandra James, The Courageous Way
